Point, Line, Plane - From Here to There

I thought that it was pretty easy to find all of the elements. The thing that was the hardest for me was to find a good image and just to direct my attention to one element. From what I found, almost every photograph I took had a point, line, and plane. But I believe the hardest one for me to wrap my head around for some reason was the plane. It was hard to find a photograph that clearly represented plane because in most of them point or line took over the photo. For my project, I cut a square into a piece of paper (thanks Paul for the idea), so with each new drawing, I was focusing on just a little square of the last drawing. I choose to focus on the Y part of the railing, with each drawing I kept zooming in on the Y and kept adding different elements to the new version. I think if someone were to see my first and last drawing they would be able to distinguish the Y of the railing. But other than that they are two very different images. I don’t think I anticipated the end result of my project; I don’t think anyone could. Due to the fact that you couldn't look at the last piece, it is hard to determine what it would end up looking like. I really liked this project!

Point, Line, Plane - 3D

is project with just a piece of wire, I then formed the whole wire structure which counted as one of my lines. I continued to add my two points. I decided it was then a good time to figure out my base before my project went any farther. Paul showed me a few square bases, and then I found this rectangle base which I liked because it was different and fit my project pretty well. My second line which was the rubber band was the most difficult, trying to find a way to make it stand in a triangle form was interesting. The last thing that I add was the plane, at first I was going to weave a piece of paper in and out of the paper clip like things. However, I wanted my planes to give me project a little more dimension. So I got some screen and some cloth and tied them on to my project in a interesting way. Going into the project, I didn't really have a plan; I decided to go with the flow and start making things, I had to make many changes along the way.  I feel that it is a neat structure because it has a different feel every way you look at it.  Overall I am happy with how my project turned out.