Workflow - Take a picture and post it.

I took this picture of two tiles. The two tiles are similar because they are the same size and have the same background color. Both tile also have flowers on them. The two tiles are difference because they have different types of flowers on the tile. The flowers on the tile are different becasue the stems on the blue flower is think and only has two leaves. Whereas the tile on the left stem has many leaves and a skinner stem. The difference between the flowers is the left flower only has  6 petals, but the right flower has many many small flower. 

Activity 1 - Form, Content, and Subject

The Form (who): The painting is simply of a girl looking over her shoulder at the artist. The pearl earring is a noticeable part of the piece and is one of the things that first caught my eye. The painting is straightforward, with the background being black so therefore it doesn't distract from the girl at all.

The Content (why): I believe that the meaning of the painting has something to do with wealth and this girl defining the law of being a proper woman. After my years of takes boring history classes, I have learned that there is some religion (indicated by the headscarf) that don’t allow women to wear jewelry. I thought of this because of the pearl earring, the pearl is in part of the name of the painting, and it is also very noticeable. The eye is drawn to the bright white object. But after doing a little research, the exact meaning of the painting is unknown, because there is very little known about the painter, and it is a mystery.

The Subject (What): Due to the black background it is easy to see that the girl is solely the subject of the painting. There is nothing to distract you from the girl and her pearl earring.

Who: The painting is an oil painting painted by the Dutch Golden Age painter Johannes Vermeer. He was not wealthy at all, and his death left his wife and children in debt because he produced so few paintings. He would work very slowly and took great care of every brush stroke.

When: When I first looked at the painting I guess that it would have been made around the 1750s ish. But Wikipedia says 1665, but to be honest how the heck do they know it was 1665?