Jurassic Park 1993



The movie Jurassic Park is about a man named John who has way too much money. He has cloned dinosaurs by using the DNA found in mosquito blood trapped in amber, for the dream of having an island amusement park. At the beginning of the movie we watch as one of the workers get eaten by a dinosaur. With the investors freaking out (for good reason), they decided to send a group of experts to the island to make sure it is “safe.” Along with Johns grandchildren, the experts are sent on a preview tour. With a big tropical storm approaching the trip is cut short but on the way back to the visitor center, an employee who is trying to smuggle dinosaur embryos off the island cuts the power to the whole island. As they scramble to get the power back on (that keep all the dinosaur in their enclosure), they accidentally let all of the dinosaurs out of there enclosure, causing complete chaos. The experts and the grandchildren have to fight to make it out without being eaten. As you can imagine they all decided, even John, the park is doomed and should never be opened as an amusement park. 

Discuss specifics of the movie:

There really isn't much that I disliked about this film. The film was very good at keeping your attention; the story was very well planned out because just as it seemed that it was starting to get easy for the characters, another dinosaur would pop out of the forest. The actors did a fantastic job; I believe they really made the audience feel as if they were there with them. When I first watched the film, I honestly didn’t notice the music, but as I went back and rewatched some parts of the movie, I found a lot of very dramatic music as there are a lot of very dramatic parts. They used a variety of shots, from wide to close-ups, to what the actor would be seeing, and what the dinosaur would be seeing. They had a good variety of shots and kept the flow going nicely. The lighting was great outdoor lighting, so they didn't have to make anything too special. The animation is this film was terrific, as first when I first saw the dinosaurs from far away, I thought hmm nothing exceptional but as the dinosaurs got closer and into the actor's faces they were really realistic, all thanks to CGI I believe. This class have taught me to focus on the imperfection of a movie I know notice the bad cuts or the awkward angles, but I also notice what the film did well. This class has also taught me to appreciate movies more and more as the amount of time and effort is incredible.

Would you or would you not recommend this film?

  Jurassic Park, would I recommend? Absolutely. I have seen MANY bad dinosaur movies, but Jurassic park pulls off the idea of this huge frog-like creature really well. Whether it was watching as this massive T-Rex chased the Jeep and the driver looking to the side mirror with the camera focusing on the writing of “closer than he appears” or the badass raptors stalking the grandkids in the kitchen. There was NEVER a dull moment in this movie. One of the first things that struck me about this movie was the strong female roles. Dr. Ellie is a badass, not afraid to go back out into the chaos to get her friends. One of my favorite scenes is when John the owner of the park, suggests that he should go to the shed to reset the computer, just because he is a man, and she rolls her eyes and walks away. Also, the way she loves dinosaur is heartwarming; when she decided to stay even with the approaching storm to help, the sick triceratops was cute. There is also Lex who is just a teenage that figures out how to lock the door as a dinosaur is trying to come in and eat her.  


   Adding kids to the movie was a brilliant choice of the directors part, like Allen even if you don't like kids you have the instinct to want to take care of them. Lex and Tim are also part of many of the most thrilling scenes, for example when the two raptors are stalking the kids in the kitchen. Lex and Tim are crawling in between in the aisles trying to avoid the sight of the dinosaur, but as Tim moves in slow motion we watch the metal ladle falls to the floor, then the shot cuts to the raptors heads spinning around. The action sequence of that 4 minutes scene is impressive. There is a lot of characters in this film in the first couple minute but after the film goes on, people die, people leave the island. But in the end, there is only five character that leaves the island very dramatically into the sunset.


   As the movie progressed, I was expecting a low dull point which most movies have, but this movie never had one. First, we meet the dinosaur, then we learned that they cloned all of the dinosaurs, then the dinosaur escaped, then they had to fight for there lives, and then they went home. Jurassic Park was one of the first movies in a while were, when I got to the end of the movie I was actually upset, I wanted more. The film is just 2 hours and 7 minutes, but it draws you in and makes you very attached to the characters.


   Overall I would highly recommend this movie, even though that movie came out in 1993, you really can’t tell, because the film was made so well. I actually haven’t seen the other Jurassic parks/worlds, and I am excited to watch those over Christmas break and see if that match up to the original.