#1 Cinematic Review: The Breakfast Club

Main Characters:

- John Bender: the criminal

-Allison Reynolds: The shy/quiet one

-Claire Standish: the princess/popular one

-Brian Johnson: the nerd

-Andrew Clark: the jock



-The tone is casual and funny, which makes the movie easier to watch, due to some deep dark moments. It also makes the watcher connect themselves to the cast.


Notes on the scene:

-0:00 ~ 0:14: uu see the Brian walked out alone and get into his dads car, in the backgorund is the "classic entrance" to a old highschool. Walking down the steps holding hand is Andrew and Allison, and then Bender and Claire.

-0:16 ~ 0:38: Andrew and Allison share a kiss and as Allison   walks to her car she grabs Andrews athletic patch. 

-0:39 ~ 0:51: Andres dad pulls up and as he gets into the car his dad looks behind him at the girl his son just kissed.

-0:53 ~ 1:46: Claire is shown giving Bender her diamond earring as a token, they then share a quick kiss and Bender watches her drive away almost with a said face. He then continues to put the diamond in his ear. And takes a pityful look at the school and walks away.

-1:49 ~ 2:04: Mr. Verrmon is shown reading the one essay they left and you hear Brians voice in the background reading it, the filming of this scene is quiet boring, the watcher is mostly just listening to Brians essay. 

-2:06 ~ 2:28: You see Bender walking across the football field getting closer and closer to the camera, with Brian still reading the essay. In the final scene you see Bender making a fist pump in the air. 



-I believe that the theme of the movie is that people from all different sterotypes can get along. they song playing in the backgorund is "Don't you forget about me", which is fitting becasue when these student go back to school on monday, are they going to acknowledge each other?


Directors Choices:

-the whole movies is filmed in a highschool so it must have been easier to film.

-adds a quick clip of Brian looking over at his dad almost in fear

-shows Allison taking Andrews patch with a smirk on her face

-shows andrew looking over the seat looking at Allison as they drive away

-As you see claire putting her diamond earring in benders hand, you notice her perfectly manicured hand and a diamond ring.

-Gives a close up of Benders ear after he puts in the diamond earring. 

-Brians essay is a huge part of the ending and really wraps verything up for the watcher

-the last part of the essay say sincerely the breakfast club hence the name


How the setting affects the scene?

- the whole movie takes place in a highschool. when anyone was in highschool there were always stero typle of the nerd, princess, jock, shy, and bad kids. They highschool locations sets up the idea of the viewers days in highschool, thereforre connecting the characters to the watcher.


How is each shot framed?

-In the first shot you see the red car in front of the camera with the school in the background. Then as Andrew and Allison kiss they are smack dab in the middle of the screen so nothing distracts you from them. There are two major close up with one being on Claire giving Bender her diamond earring and the second of him putting the diamond earring into his ear. As Bender and Claire kiss they are smack dab in the middle of the screen as well, so all attention is on them. As you see Mr. Verron reading the essay it is a zoomed out shot so you can see the whole library. And in the final scence as Bender walks across the field he is in the middle and all attention is on him.


Think about each character's motivations costume, and lines.

-John Bender: he is the bad boy, he is wearing heavy duties boot and a long trench coat, little glove things, jewerly, he is the typically bad boy. 

-Allison Reynolds is wearing dark clothes. She sits in the corner facing the other way at the begining she is the character that goes throught the biggest transformation. After Claire does her hair and makeup she looks like a different person.

-Claire Standish is where expexsive clothes and jewerly and is viewed as priviledge. 

-Brian Johnson is wearing the nerd outfit, khakis, a collared shirt and a pullover.

-Andrew Clark is wearing the classic jock outfit with the letter man jacket and the pants.


Take notes on the effects of the various camera angles and shots. 

-in the final scenethre really wasn't much fancy camera work the camera mostly stayed in one place. There were two close up scene, a wide shot, but they rest I would call medium shots. 


Watch how the camera moves.

- as I watched this scene the camera really dont move it is stays in one place and lets the actor move. There is a high angled shot of Mr. Verron reading the essay, that showcases the whole library.


Focus on the music the director chose. 

-Music is this scene play a HUGE role. The song is "Don't you forget about me" and it fits so well. It is suggesting that the character may not acknowledge each other in school because they are from all different groups. So the song is representing of how the character don't want to forget about there time together even though they might not notice each other ever again. There is also a voice over of Brian reading his essay went I think is a huge part of the scene as well it really wraps up the movie. Both the music and the voiceover add a sense of conclusion to the movie.


Kedi Documentary Review

           Kedi is a Documentary about the thousands upon thousands of cats that roam the city of Istanbul, Turkey. The cats arrived in Istanbul centuries ago mostly on cargo ships, ever since the Ottoman Empire, they have continued roaming the city. Cats have been a trademark of Istanbul for many years; they are an indispensable part of the communities that form in the city, the locals work together as one to make sure every cat is taking care of. The cats have no owners, and the cats are not considered wild or tame, the people of Istanbul actually believe that it is wrong to keep them as pets. Throughout the whole film, you can see food and water that remains on the streets just for the cats. The film is based around seven cats Sari, Bengu, Psikopat, Deniz, Aslan parcasi, Duman and Gamsiz. Throughout the film, we travel to different parts of the city whether it is a fish market it or a restaurant we learn about each cat and their stories. Each cat has had an impact on the communities they live in and the people that care for them. The cats have healing properties that can cure the people of Istanbul.

          Overall the documentary was filmed beautifully; the shots were all so clean and well thought out. I liked the transitions between cats. They would take an overview shot of the city and play similar music. This helped the viewers understand that we were moving to a different story. Some of my favorite shots of the whole film are the ones taken from the cat's point of view; you see the camera (which would be what the cat is seeing) weaving in and out of people's legs and through the busy streets of Istanbul. The stories of each cat are very well done, each cat has a word associated with them which you learn during the interview. Co Sari is the hustler, Bengu is the lover, Psikopat is the psycho, Deniz is the social butterfly, Aslan parcasi is the hunter, Duman is the gentleman, and Gamsiz is the player. Each cat gets around 15 minutes of screen time, we hear interviews from people that are around the cats every day and get to experience the personality of the cats, and we also get the story of people that care for all the cats, not just the select seven. For example, there is this one lady who cooks ten chickens a day and mixes it with rice and walks around her neighborhood feeding all of the cats. There is also a chef who has one cat that shows up everytime he gets beat up, and he said everyone in his community has an open tab with the vet. 

         I would recommend this film if you have a love for cats. If you hate cats, then this film may not be for you, but it did make me look at my cat (Harry) differently. Cats are these amazing creatures that have the power to love and cure, just by their presence. The reason I liked the movie is all the interviews were terrific, and the interviewees had terrific answers to every question. They described the cats in such a philosophical way; the cat is more than a four-legged fluffy creature to them, the cat is a friend. The film really documents the human and animal connection that occurs, and how they live so well together. One of the caregivers of the cats says in the movie that “People who don’t love animals can’t love people either.” I want to put one more quote in that I love and believe, “A cat meowing at your feet looking up at you, is life smiling at you.”