Who is Julia Dapron?

My name is Julia Dapron, I have lived in Vermont for all 17 years of my life. Growing up in Vermont has been good and bad. I have been able to experience some of the most amazing things such as Mountain Campus. Mountain Campus was a life-changing experience for me, not to sound cheesy. But I was the girl that had never been camping and then was sent into the wood alone for two nights and two days. People always ask me was it scary, and honestly, the night was a little scary, but if I could I would have done it again. It was unusual not to see or talk to anyone for two days. Our lives are surrounded by technology and the neverending craziness of our daily lives. It was nice to spend time alone not having to worry about anything. Sports are a massive part of my life I ski race and golf. Golf is my life from April to October and skiing is my life from December to March. I am in the recruiting process for golf, I have wanted to play golf in college since I was 8 or 9. Two of my highlights from high school years are winning states in golf sophomore year and junior year. When I tell people that I have won states most people shrug it off because it is "girls golf in Vermont". But what they don't understand is how hard I have worked to get to where I am. Golf is easily one of the hardest things I have ever done and continues to challenge me every day. But I live for a good challenge. One more thing that that was amazing was the March for Our Lives. It was truly the most inspiring I have ever gone too. Listening to these people stories and standing there for hour chanting, was so tiring but so worth it. Another important part of my life is my cat. His name is Harry, my cat before ran away, but I wanted another cat, so the deal was I could get a old cat, because I am leaving for college in a year. So I found Harry who was 11 and we adopted him. I am excited and scared for what the future brings me, but I plan on taking in every moment.