Activity 1 - Great architecture Presentation 

Activity 2 - The meaning of Architecture 



Examples of Architecture

  • building

  • planning design

  • sculpture

  • art

  • engineering

  • science

  • views

  • vistas

  • the relationship between scale balance and symmetry


  • Commodity = usefulness

  • a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.


  • a building should feel solid and be solid.

  • the building code is the standard guide to firmness

  • building code have been around since ancient times but are more complex now


  • Delight is the art of architecture

  • it is more than beauty

Delight is
    • surprise

    • suspense

    • contradiction

    • discovery

    • whimsy

    • sublimity

  The three basic ideas of architecture are Commodity, Firmness, and Delight. Commodity mean any raw material or an agricultural product that can be bought and sold. Something that is Commodity has usefulness. Delight mean that architecture can be more than just building it can be beautiful and much more. Firmness is when a building should look and feel solid. Nowadays the building code takes care of that. The building code has been around since ancient times.

Activity 3 - What is Architecture 


 Sam Jacob was ask “what is architecture for you”? He respond with it is the act of making that world that we live in. It is the world where economy, society, and culture all intersect and make physical stuff like buildings. I agree with this statement because every building that we go into is a piece of architecture. What can Architecture do? He said that it can do anything that it wants to do. I agree with this statement because when you start building something you can do anything you want with it and still have it be a piece of architecture. He likes it when the role of architecture tells a story and that story then turns into a piece of architecture.


Sam Jacob

  • what is architecture for you?

    • the act of making the world we live in

    • the world where economy, society, and culture that intersect and make the physical stuff

  • what can architecture do?

    • it can do anything it wants to do

  • architecture has to work on so many different levels

  • he like to explore the role of architecture to make it tell sotry and then story turn into building

  • story that tell about culture, myth, desire, and the world that we want to make


Pascal Flammer:

  • what is architecture for you?

    • there isn’t a general answer to this question

    • architecture is mainly what you want architecture to  be

  • the biggest part of being a architect is being able define what architecture is to you

  • architecture is about a life proposal

  • Flammer like interesting proposal about how we could spend out lives

  • you have to proposal and have a value

  • once you propose it you start to build up a construction about life

  • what can architecture do?

    • it is a physical prospal of how you proposal/understand life

  • and an artist and an architect that are kind of the same

  • in architecture you have this beautiful moment where you show the material and the product


Ulrika Karlsson


  • What is architecture for you?

    • Architecture is a cultural practice that engage the built environment

  • Architecture can do? it engages everyone in different ways since the construction of the built environment, we walk outside our door and go into the city, it affects everyone

  • If you are an architect it is a way to express your feeling about the built environment

  • she is interesting in the cultural aspect of architecture

  • value that are important to her: she think that value are very important and you have to pay attention to them.

  • she said that value produce values and then reproduce values of how time changes

Activity 4 - Steven Holl 


Steven Holl says that artist work from real to abstract but architects must work from the abstract to the real. Because architect have to make their designs into real life things. An artist can do whatever they want with their piece of work, but the architect has to deal with safety, function, climate, and the economy. Some people say the difference between art and architecture in the use and the lack of use because for example the World Trade Center has many uses and thousands of people go in and out daily. But whereas a piece of art may have no use other than making a wall in your house look less bland. Space in architecture means that when you body moves through the space, you see overlapping perspectives. Architecture is the art of space. All works of architecture had an idea at some point and had an organic link between the concept and form. I agree with everything that he said. I haven’t ever thought about this before but now that I do it all makes sense. One thing that interested me the most is the idea of the difference between art and architect I have never really thought about it in that perspective. 

activity 5 - Rural Studio 


In Mason’s Bend, Alabama you can find some of the most innovative architecture. There is a house made out of hay bails covered with dry wall, a chapel made out of wind shields, and a house made out of carpet tiles. All of the house got there by architect named Sam Mockbee. He made a programs that students can let there imagination go free. They would make house out in the world for people that need house and the clients don’t have to pay anything for there new house. The house are made out of anything that they can find for free. Sam Mockbee thought that the Rural studio taught the student to be better architects. When Mockbee died the Rural studio thought that the best way to honor him was to make the best and weirdest houses. 

Activity 6 - What does architecture mean to you?

In the last unit, we have been working on the idea of architecture and the way people produce architecture. When I was asked in the fourth activity is architecture and building the same. I had to think about it for a minute. But I believe that they are the same. Because architecture by definition is the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings. So by the Webster dictionary, it is the same thing. There has been a lot of debate about if architecture is art. Architecture is divided up into arts, sciences, economics, and other disciplines. For as long as I have been alive people in my family have always called it art. With all of the information that I now have from the activities, I still do believe that it is art. Almost anyone can make a simple box house with a door and two windows. But it takes someone special to make a building that it structurally sounds and good looking. You look outside your window, and you see a birds nest would an architect look at that and say that is some good looking work? Yes, I do think so. The definition of an architect is a person (in this case animals) who designs buildings and in many instances also supervises their construction. Animals create their house right, and then they construct them by themselves. So by definition animals can make architecture. I haven’t ever thought about the difference between place and space, and I have used them interchangeably. But I believe that a place has defined dimensions, and you can name where it is, and it has a certain meaning to you. So it is a partial proportion of space. Space is everything, it is undefined and is incalculable. Everything that you can think of is space. So they don’t mean the same thing. Finally, if were to build a house it might not be a good home but it was a house would it be considered architecture. Yes, you can't make architecture without having an architect. Because a bird makes it own nest and a nest is a piece of architecture. And I am pretty sure that that bird didn’t go to a 50,000 dollar college to be able to make its nest. Also, you can build you house without and architect. You just need to know what you are doing. My grandfather built his house, and he was a pilot and not an architect.