Unit 1 REflection

Architecture so far has been a good experience. In the first project that we did, the Marshmallow Challenge, the team I was on failed and didn’t do so well. This activity showed me that communication is key. I feel that if we didn’t communicate that we wouldn’t even have had a structure. It showed that we should have made more prototypes and planned some more instead of just jumping right in because we felt we weren't going to have enough time. This showed me that things aren't going to work out the way we want it to all the time. The five chairs I believe was my favorite activities. My team also did very well. This activity showed me that if you have a very short time to solve a problem that it can be very stressful. Our challenge was to make a chair for a squirmy and whiny baby. It showed that repetition made everything better. Because by the fourth design we had designs in place and knew how to work as a team. This showed things were going to change when you are prototyping, because of different materials and such. And you almost always going to get stuck and it is very stressful when you do, you have to put you heads together and think. The scavenger hunt showed me that sharing information can be very helpful because the first time we went outside it was almost like we made one very large group and help each other. It showed me that reading the question is critical and being patience. This unit has showed me that I like being a leader but I need to let other people take charge sometimes. I am looking forward to the rest of our unit!